APCSP Projects

Yuri and Harsha’s coding group:

Their project involved a timer website. There was an alarm, stopwatch, and timer. The theme is a white background with black text. The website domain is very impressive, with a .com at the end. The alarm function is very good, you can also set up multiple alarms which is very cool. The stopwatch also functions perfectly, and the way the box moves while the time runs is very smooth.

Emaad’s coding group:

Emaad created a similar website to my group. His website involves a calendar which is used to schedule things. It is very neat. I also really like the search bar and how the prompt to the question was the blurred onto the search bar.

3D Animation Artworks

Inside a House Looking Through the Glass at the Mountains

This 3D animation artwork was very interesting. In the viewer’s perspective, they are looking out a huge window. The table has a donut and a coffee. There is a crack in the glass, and the snow-capped mountains are visible outside.


Many artworks had donuts in their piece. A majority involved a room with a table with a donut on a plate.

Video presentations

About My Life Videos

I noticed that most of the videos involved a presentation about their life. The title image was also mostly the same. The intros were very inspirational as well.

Fortnite Battle Pass Tutorial

I noticed a very interesting video project that involved Fortnite. It was a tutorial on how to progress through the battle pass. I do play Fortnite, so this video is very relevant to me.

My Project and Ideas

  • Next time, we could arrive a bit more earlier so then the room won’t be very crowded. This means that we can have more freedom on where to present, making the process of presenting much more smooth.
  • Some ideas of better time management could be to go to different classrooms and take notes on their things while waiting to present. This way, it can make the process much more efficient, and I can also save time and go home earlier.
  • My project involved a scheduler using a calendar. You can press on any day of the month, type in an event, then save the event. The saved event appears on the scheduler window and shows the date of the event. There is also a weather window to the right, where you can input any city in the search bar and get its weather conditions, current temperature, and the low and high temperatures.