Vocab Unit 2

Bits: A place value in powers of 2. 1 = true, the place value is added.

  • Ex: 0 = false, the place value isn't added.

Bytes: 8 bits.

  • Ex: 10110100

Hexadecimal: a series of 6 digits representing color. It is base 16. It goes from 0-9 and then a-f.

  • Ex: RGB, #000000, #000001, etc.

Nibbles: 4 bits.

  • Ex: 1011

Vocab Unit 3

Variables: A type of data assigned to an arbitrary value.

  • variable = 1 Data types: Values that represent different types and ways they are used. integers(ex: 10), boolean(ex: true/false), string(ex: “hi”), and list(ex: [“hi”, “hello”])

Assignment operators: things that assign values in relation to another value.

  • Ex: +=, -=

Lists: A data type that is able to store multiple values which can be extracted.

  • list = ["hi", "hello"]

2D Lists: A list inside a list.

  • list = [
  • ` [1,2,3],`
  • ` [4,5,6]`
  • ` ]`

Dictionaries: Stores data in key:value pairs.

  • dictionary = {
  • ` “number1” : 10`
  • ` “number2” : 20`
  • }

Class: A blueprint for creating something.

  • class word:
  • ` print(“hi”)`
  • ` Print(“hello”)`

Algorithm: Set of instructions to do a task. Ex: flowcharts demonstrate an algorithm.

Sequence: A series of tasks in the order of specification

  • x = 10
  • y = 20
  • z = 30
  • z = x+y
  • x = z

Selection: Uses true/false to determine which code is executed.

  • if x==0:
  • ` print(x)`
  • else:

Iteration: Repeats a code if condition is true.

  • while x == true:
  • ` print(true)`