MC #4 Test Corrections

Score: 42/50

Question 8

A is correct, C is incorrect. C is wrong because access to public data is individual, not using a network. D is right because it involves networking with frequently visited servers.

Question 9

Data is sent by breaking files in packets. There is no direct connection.

Question 11

Sorted lists combined might not result in a fully sorted data. Combine both first and then sort so data can be completely sorted.

Question 27

Creating negative of image is lossless, so C is right. A is wrong because that would be lossy compression.

Question 36

Must find the one that doesn’t run in a reasonable amount of time. Factorial doesn’t run in a reasonable amount of time so heuristic works best for it.

Question 37

Polynomial algorithm runs in a reasonable amount of time. So, B is correct.

Question 44

C is correct because student doesn’t know how to do it. Code is not duplicated because of procedural abstraction.

Question 47

Data is cut in half a max of 15. Think of this like half-life of a chemical reaction or radioactive decay.