Question 7

I misread the question and thought that it was on the leftmost black space, so I counted it incorrectly.

Question 9

Analog audio signals are measured at regular intervals. They are then stored into binary, or a sequence of bits(lowest level since computers use binary at the lowest level)

Question 21

An overflow error is occuring here. If the number exceeds the maximum value possible, the overflowed number becomes a negative number.

Question 23

The Internet uses open protocols and was designed to be scalable so the an increasing number of users can be supported.

Question 25

I misread this question and thought that the REPEAT UNTIL was an if statement, so I thought that the program would terminate.

Question 30

Data is broken into packets, but the packets can be sent along different paths. These packets can arrive in order, out of order, or not at all, and they can be ressembled on arrival.

Question 41

A uses input from a large number of players, so it is crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is the practice of using input or information obtained from a large number of people via the Internet.

Question 43

A is correct because that is an example of keylogging. Keylogging is the use of a program to record every keystroke made by a computer to gain fraudulent access to passwords and other confidential information.

Question 48

A rogue access point is a wireless access point that gives unauthorized access to secure networks. Data sent over public networks can be intercepted and read.

Question 52

The list is cut in half a maximum of 7 times but 8 elements are examined since the last element is also examined, so 7+1 is 8.

Question 63

Review boolean and AND, NOT, OR statements. Investigate why D is a correct answer.

Question 68

A will return the list with 10,20,10 so A is a correct answer. B is going to work.