Score: 61/67

Question 2

I got this wrong because I was confused with what “citizen science” meant. Getting more people to analyze images will take less time; this is a very common pattern. I should review “citizen science.”

I got thsi wrong because I did not memorize IPv6 or IPv4. However, I could’ve used process of elimination. I should make sure to review IP addresses.

Certificate authorities verify the ownership of public keys, it doesn’t certify the safety of a web site. I should review things on security and encryption.

In order for binary search to work the list must be sorted. Review binary search.

All are correct because they run in a polynomial function. I is 2n. II is n^2. And III is 10. They all run in a reasonable amount of time.

Open-source software allows users to use and distribute it but does not guarantee that the owner will provide support for users. I should review licensing.