Submission 1:

Reporting Category Student Grading Score Collegeboard’s Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 0 The video was demonstrated clearly and the explanation following the criteria.
Data Abstraction 1 1 The data stored in the list is shown and the second code segment shows it being used. The name of the variable of the list is shown and shows what the data represents.
Managing Complexity 0 0 No program code is shown in this category.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 The procedure and its application is shown, and its contribution to the functionality of the program is fully described.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The code segment shows sequencing, selection, and iteration with the for loop. It is very detailed and I would likely be able to recreate it.
Testing 1 1 The written response answers all of the criteria clearly.

Submission 2:

Reporting Category Student Grading Score Collegeboard’s Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 The video demonstrates input, program functionality, and output. The written response describes the overall purpose clearly, describes the functionality of the program related to the video, and also describes the input and output in the video.
Data Abstraction 0 1 The first segment of code does not show a list, it only shows a function.
Managing Complexity 1 1 The written response explains how the list manages complexity, and the code segment demonstrates it managing complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 The two code segments both show the procedure and it being called. The description of the procedure is also very detailed, and shows how it contributes to the overall functionality.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Sequencing, selection, and iteration are all in the program code segment. The steps on how the algorithm works is explained with great detail.
Testing 1 1 Fully describes two calls to the procedure in 3c. the conditions and results of each call are clearly stated.


For Submission 1, Collegeboard did not give the point for Program Pupose and Function because the purpose was not valid. However, I did award a point thinking that the purpose was good enough. This means that when I submit my project to Collegeboard, I should go deeper in the purpose and not just specify the overall function of the program(While also keeping it concise to about 1 sentence). For Submission 2, I did not give a point for Data Abstraction because I thought that you needed to take a screenshot of the variable of the list for the code segment. However, Collegeboard did give the point for Data Abstraction because the code segments did show the use of the lists. While the list wasn’t directly stated in the code segment, the code segment still shows the utilization of the lists which makes this category valid for a point. Also, the names of the lists were specified in 3.b.iii so the grader knows which variables are lists in the code. Therefore, a point for Data Abstraction was awarded. This tells to me that I should show the utilization of a list in the code segments rather than just showing the creation of the variable of the list. Overall, through grading these submissions, I realized that for much of 3a I do not have to write up a whole paragraph for each subsection. I am now aware that I should be more detailed in the code segments and on explaining the code when I will be making my project.