
Company mission statements:
  • HP Inc.: Create technology that makes life better for everyone, every where.
  • Qualcomm: Investing the tech the world loves.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific: Enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner, and safer.

  • Thermo Fisher is the world leader in serving science
  • Our work right now can impact the market
  • Doing something impactful can be a factor when you choose your job
  • Roles of scrum master, devOps, frontend, and backend are related to real life work situations.
Notes from presentation of a software engineer:
  • Your interests right now don’t determine what passions you have and job you want to do in the future.
  • Center for Embedded Network Sensors(CENS)
  • DevOps: Has a responsibility for security and preventing sites from getting hacked
  • Worst thing possible is to get bored of a job, you can learn stuff while working if the topics are interesting
  • Computer and tech jobs are in high demand
Extra Notes:
  • Be flexible. According to the presenters, they have all switched to many jobs at different companies
  • The best workers listen to the requirements, and are able to translate the technology to how to solve the requirements
  • Qualcomm is a semiconductor industry
  • Qualcomm is the “big fish in a pond”
  • Being able to pass by completing coding tasks in 35-45 min is very hard but it is in the real world
  • If you know how to code, it’s a way of thinking. Coding teaches you how to do critical thinking and problem solving, and it’s important to know how you came up with your process and answer.
  • Example situation: You are in a room with only a notebook and pencil. You are asked, “how many cars are in the US?” The boss will look for the process of you getting an assumption, not how correct your answer is
  • Algorithms helps with trading stocks as you have to analyze patterns

Summary and Lessons

I learned and explored the field of technology and software engineering. One interesting thing I learned was the the devOps responsibility is to maintain the security of the sites. I was not aware that security played a factor in creating coding projects. Another thing I learned is to be flexible. The presenters for today worked at many different jobs and switched majors as well as discovered new passions. Therefore, I shouldn’t be too stubborn and have an all-or-nothing mindset when finding out my major or jobs. I also learned about different major companies and how they operated. Thermo Fisher is the world’s largest supplier of science materials, and Qualcomm is also at one point the world’s largest supplier of phone chips. Finally, I learned that coding not only teaches me about coding, but it also teaches me skills of critical thinking, problem solving, and explanation of a process. Overall, this presentation I listened to today can help me with my future by teaching me important lessons of critical thinking, as well as being flexible with what I am passionate about. Most important lesson learned is continuous learning