Three Beneficial Effects of my Project(5.1):

  1. Provides entertainment through a snake game.
  2. Provides a friendly environment for interaction through competitions for the highest score.
  3. Helps to kill time when someone is bored.

One Potential Harmful Effect of my Project(5.1):

  1. The great amount of competition can lead to addiction or spending too much time playing the game for a high score.

Pros and Cons of Internet Blockers and Lack of Admin Passwords(5.1):


  • Internet blockers can help prevent people from gaming, watching videos and movies, and doing off-task activities during class.
  • The lack of admin passwords on computers at school can make signing into computers much more efficient without having to consistently ask an adult for the password.


  • Internet blockers can prevent students from using websites or apps related to school work. This can decrease the productivity in class activities as it is more of a hassle to work with website blockages.
  • The lack of admin passwords can also decrease the amount of security of the computer. This makes school computers more prone to hacking and unauthorized computer usage.

My Concerns about the Digital Divide(5.2):

My concerns about the digital divide are the fact that society is starting to become more and more reliant on computers and similar machines. If people cannot access these kinds of technology, then they will fall more and more behind with education and work. The COVID pandemic is an example. If people do not have access to computers, then distance learning would be impossible and they would fall very behind on school work, leading to a bad education and a less successful career later on. My other concern about the digital divide is the fact that computers are very expensive. The cheapest computers are several hundred dollars, and if some families cannot afford computers, then they will fall behind in school and work. This will widen the rich-poor gap as those with low-incomes are increasingly at a disadvantage. These problems can be solved by sharing computers or donating computers to those who cannot afford them.